that time I went snowmobiling

3 min readFeb 18, 2021


We had booked this snowmobile trip and I was cautiously excited. Not that I was afraid of snowmobiling, I just didn’t want to have to putter around some mountain at the speed of my golf-cart in a single file line while they pointed at some rock formation. I’m a wild eagle, I need to fly!

I had never ridden a snowmobile before, but that didn’t matter. I was already planning to pass the crew if I needed to. Then it happened. We pulled into this valley and all stopped. The guide said, “Alright, this is the place you can pretty much do whatever you want. Get to know your snowmobile.”

Are you kidding me? This is the moment I was waiting for. I booked it around this field doing my best Ricky Bobby impression. I think I hit about 50mph. It was amazing!! I think one time I may have gotten airborne.

Now that I had gotten that out of the way, I was able to enjoy the slower-paced ride. It was amazing. Seriously, this little blog doesn’t do it justice. We were on a 40,000-acre secluded ranch of mountains, trees, meandering trails, amazing views, wild elk, a blizzard, and like 10ft of snow. One of the coolest experiences of my life.

I sat down this morning thinking about that. In our family, we call those breathtaking moments, “love letters from God”. Just little (or in this case giant) nudges from God reminding us of His love for us and His creation. We have a rule in our house. Whenever we see a love letter we audible shout out, “Thank you, God.”

It’s a cool practice to center our hearts on the idea of gratefulness.

It was a great experience…but do you know what made snowmobiling, scratch that, this entire trip, even better? The people. Em and I have had the chance of going on a trip with four other couples and it’s been really cool to hear their hearts and get to know them even a little more over this trip.

Look at this verse, “Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows.” Luke 12:7

Think about that. No matter what amazing views I am surrounded by, God values people I am surrounded by more. He values you more. That’s what I’ve come to experience here.

These people are pretty cool. While God made these amazing mountains, He’s moving mountains in their lives. While God covered the entire mountainside with pure white fluffy snow…He’s already done something similar in our lives. Covering up all of our failures with His love.

Sure we have our differences, but doesn’t that make it even better? Like, imagine if every tree, bush, bird, and mountain was the same. That seems pretty lame to me.

So, at the end of my trip to Utah I want to say, “Thank you, God.” Thank you for these amazing views, fun moments, and ultimately this crew of weird misfits.




I'm an enneagram 7w8 with a passion to help people let go of religion and rediscover Jesus! My motto in life is, have fun while loving people!