the sauce of all sauces

2 min readMay 18, 2021

When I heard the news I was stunned. America was on the path to destruction. We were on the brink of massive shortages. Of course, I’m not talking about the gas shortage, I’m talking about the grand Chick-fil-a sauce shortage of 2021.

It was tough times. Typically our family of six would get about 10 Chick-fil-a sauces. Now we could only get 5–6….oh the despair.

I was desperate. Until I found this bad boy.

YES!!! A giant container of Chick-fil-a sauce! Now, like those end-of-the-world bunker kits…I too will have Chick-fil-a sauce well into the apocalypse.

We love Chick-fil-a sauce. It is the perfect addition to almost anything. If you’ve had it then you know what I’m talking about. It’s an indescribable blend of amazing and splendid glee.

It’s good on a sandwich, it’s good dipping your fries in it, it’s good with nuggets, heck I’ve even seen someone use it as a salad dressing. All great ways to use it.

Here’s a question, what if I just opened that bottle and put a straw in it and sipped it all day? Does that cross the line? Yeah, I think it does too.

You see, there are certain things in life that add a little something extra to the bland. Things that give life a little extra kick. Maybe it’s a vacation, a fun night on the town, sleeping in, video games, binge-watching tv, shopping, pizza, social media, money, exercise, or something else. But, be careful. Those things are just spices to life. If spices became the bulk of your diet, you’d get sick or die of starvation.

The write of proverbs says it this way, “If you have found honey, eat only enough for you, lest you have your fill of it and vomit it.” Proverbs 25:16

Sometimes we can get in the rut of chasing after the spices/honey/Chick-fil-a things of life and lose sight of the things that are real. That can cause some real pain and hurt.

Today’s question, is there a part of your life that maybe has gotten away from you? Is there some spice that is taking over your life? What would it look like to put that spice back in the metaphorical cupboard for a bit?




I'm an enneagram 7w8 with a passion to help people let go of religion and rediscover Jesus! My motto in life is, have fun while loving people!